working Hours: 9AM To 9PM

Accounting & Taxation

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Course features

Duration: 5 Months
Sessions: 40
Timings: 2pm to 4pm
Maximum students: 30
course featured image

Accounting and Taxation

Introduction to financial accounting and taxation. Emphasis on the preparation of financial statements, the statement of cash flows, and the taxation of business entities. Topics include journal entries, accounts receivable, inventory, accounts payable, fixed assets, and the Balance Sheet. Prerequisite

The first step in any business is to keep track of what you already have. This can be as simple as writing down the items you bought or made and their cost at the end of each day. In larger companies, this process is often automated. An accounting system records the details of a company’s transactions and is used to report on its financial health to outsiders

Accounting and taxation is one of the most important things to every individual, firm, and business. The term accounting refers to the process of recording data in a systematic manner. It helps in accumulating resources, both financial and non-financial, for future use. Taxation is an inevitable part of any country’s economy because it is the only way the government can make money to finance its operations.

Accounting and tax are two different things. Taxation is the process of collecting money from the people to pay for government services. Accounting on the other hand, is a business function that keeps track of all financial transactions.

SiteHRMS is a one-stop portal for accounting and taxation courses. It includes a wide range of accounting and taxation courses, which are suitable for beginners as well as experts.

In this course you will learn the skills necessary to pursue a career in accounting and taxation. We will begin with a discussion on the field of accounting, including the role of an accountant, the process of bookkeeping, and the role of the financial statement in the decision-making process. We will also discuss the field of taxation, including the role of the tax auditor, the role of the tax code, and the impact of taxation in the economy.

One response to “Accounting & Taxation”

  1. Ashwin says:

    wow! its a great course

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Course features

Duration: 5 Months
Sessions: 40
Timings: 2pm to 4pm
Maximum students: 30